Thursday, May 16, 2024


The Heart Attack Grill

All new restaurants want a gimmick to get noticed while they build a clientele. One of the strangest gimmicks was the Heart Attack Grill, which debuted in 2005 and got all the publicity they could possibly ask for, even more when they expanded into Las Vegas in 2011. The decor and service had a theme alright, which seemed kind of cute. Diners wear hospital gowns and are treated as "patients." Morbidly obese people can eat free. But the oversized, fat-laden meals were no joke. Neither were the actual medical incidents connected with the restaurant. Founder Jon Basso embraced the controversy, and has seen his share of legal troubles. But the Heart Attack Grill is still going strong. Its customers? Maybe not so much.

Tattoo Addition

Go, Dog, Go!

When you first look at Nimble, you instantly recognize a border collie, but she's so tiny! She is a mixed breed dog. The Westminster Kennel Club calls them "All American dogs," which sounds better than calling them mutts. In the 11 years since the Westminster Kennel Club has been staging their Masters Agility Championship, no mixed-breed has ever won the top prize -until Nimble became a star last weekend during the competition in New York. She blazed through the course in 28.76 with no errors! Besides being the first mixed-breed champion, she is also the first dog from the 12-inch division to win the overall competition. She beat 350 other dogs to win the title.

Nimble is border collie-papillon mix, and she has obviously inherited the best features of the two breeds, the intelligence of the border collie plus the speed of the papillon. Of course, papillons can be intelligent and border collies can be fast, too. Besides, she's as cute as can be. Nimble's handler Cynthia Hornor assured everyone that the little dog got steak and playtime after her win. (via Laughing Squid)

You Got a Package

A Look Back at The Phantom Menace

Now just wait a minute here. Why is Screen Junkies making an Honest Trailer for a movie that came out, uh, 25 years ago? Oh, I see. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace opened on May 16, 1999, which means today is its silver anniversary. That's why you've been seeing references to The Phantom Menace everywhere, and it may even be playing at a theater near you.

This movie heralded the second phase of Star Wars, now called "the prequels." Fans who saw the original Star Wars movie in 1977 as children had been waiting 16 years for another glimpse at a galaxy far, far away and had their hopes sky high for The Phantom Menace, but then were disappointed. At the same time, children who were introduced to that world in 1999 loved it. Twenty-five years later, those children run the world, and they have fond memories of The Phantom Menace. Do you realize the implications of this conundrum? In another 25 years, Star Wars fans across the internet will be lauding the nostalgic feel of The Rise of Skywalker. But for now, let's wallow in the memories of the annoying child prodigy Anakin Skywalker, endless discussion of trade agreements, midi-chlorians, and Jar Jar Binks.   

Miss Cellania's Links

The Real-Life Marine Biologist Who Helped Inspire Jaws.

Are Home Improvements Tax-Deductible? (It’s a Bigger Question Than You Might Think.)

Ahmed Best Gets the Last Laugh. Once the most hated man in Star Wars, the actor behind Jar Jar Binks reflects on his reputation in that galaxy far, far away.

User Inyerface is the most frustrating interface on the internet, but it's a game, so the challenge is to just get through it. (via Metafilter)

Why is Purple a Halloween Color?

Happy birthday, Clarence! (via Fark)

The Comedy Pet Photography Awards Finalists 2024. You can vote for your favorite for the People's Choice Award. (via Everlasting Blort)

The No-So-Secret Origin of Lucky Ducky! The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

Astronomers spot a giant planet that is as light as cotton candy. (via Real Clear Science)

Cat Bed

(via Fark)

Simon’s Cat Logic: Why Cats Love Boxes

Cats love boxes so very much, just ask Maru. Simon Tofield has four cats, so he knows that well. In this episode of Simon’s Cat Logic, Nicky Trevorrow from Cats Protection explains the allure of the simple cardboard box. This includes the Simon’s Cat cartoon called The Box. (via the A.V. Club)

Tweet of the Day

(Thanks, WTM!)

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Celebrate Both Worlds

Bill McClintock gives us a feel-good mashup to celebrate warm weather and graduation and vacation season! Van Halen's "Best of Both Worlds" goes perfectly well with "Celebration" by Kool & the Gang. Even if you're listening in a bathtub, you gotta dance to this.

Musing at the Ceremony

(via reddit)

A Very Large Cat

Axel is a real chonker. An absolute unit. He was surrendered to a shelter at 43 pounds! For context, I have three cats that weigh around eight pounds each, and the big orange cat weighs 13 pounds. Axel was definitely overfed at his previous home. The rescue organization Ferdinand and Friends placed him with their director Christina for fostering, and she was worried about all that extra weigh the cat carried. He had trouble hauling himself around, and he suffered from arthritis due to the extra stress on his bones. But Axel is well on his way to a healthy weight. You can follow his weight loss journey at Instagram and TikTok, where he goes by his stage name Biggie Smalls.

The Eagles

Singers Falling Down Stairs

Someone call a carpenter, because there is obviously something wrong with the stairs leading off the stage! When someone falls down the stairs in real life, there is banging and screaming, often resulting in injuries, and there's nothing funny about it. When singers with distinctive and iconic voices fall down the stairs, everyone knows who they are. Master mixer Dustin Ballard, better known as There I Ruined It, shows us what that might sound like. He assures us that no singers were hurt in the making of this nonsense. Each fall is mercifully short, but still paints a picture in our minds. You almost feel sorry for the singer, fictional as this scenario is.


(via Fark)

Water Balloons on a Trampoline

Mark Rober decided it would be cool to add water balloons to a trampoline. It was! He and his nephews jumped along with hundreds of small water balloons, which looks really cool in slow motion. Notice that a body will depress the trampoline surface while the balloons stay at the same level. There’s also a couple of really big water balloons that proved to be super-tough. But even a super-tough balloon can only take so much! (via Viral Viral Videos)

Tweet of the Day